Tube Screamer Page

Finally! I was trying to make that happen like ages now. Well made TS stripboard is really hard to design, specially to me. It isn’t possible to make one without jumpers (as well as most IC based FX’s). For some reasons I don’t like jumpers, so all my entries to design it was instantly trashed. The other main reason is… well… I hate OD/Distortions in general, I’m a booster/fuzz bloke. Tubescreamer is a part of music history, almost as much iconic as all well known and loved users by over last 30 years, on top with my personal hero SRV!

Anyway… It’s done now, and I do quite like it. I couldn’t get away with jumpers (I use 0-ohm resistors instead) but it’s still quite nice. Doing this I had couple purposes in mind. Firstly – all none polarized caps at 5mm raster (two stripboard rows) and Panasonic SMF’s as a type of my choice. 100uF and 47uF’s the same – 5mm raster. Why so big? AM Silver Modded TS uses Sanyo OsCon type caps, and those values I have are 5mm raster. The other E-Cap (10uF) is 2,5mm radial, so standard stuff here.

What else… ah, yeah! The size 🙂 Will easily fit into small B sized Hammond (or similar) enclosure. I was going to make it for 125B really, it’s similar size to real TS-9, that’s why my layout shows ins and outs in upper position, nor side located. I’ll go with 125B anyway, as I have some evil plans for this project. Of course I won’t shy to show of.

Few more things needs to point out:

– Transistors. Originally seen 2SC1815 low quality noisy Q’s was changed to accommodate more ordinary pinout wise, and better quality in general 2N4401 transistors for in/out buffers, as recommended by GGG instructions.

– Optional Clipping Diode Switch pads are shown for future project extension, but you can easily crank yourself what it is, and what it does

– One none original part to standard TS series in input pull-down (anti-pop) resistor (2M2)

Two layouts for classic exemplars:

Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer

Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer

As we all know, TS series was, and still is Poo-Teeque Cart-Horse, so expect shitload of variants very soon

UPDATE 10/06/2012

Here You can find layouts for simplified TS type circuits without input and output buffers:

Son of Tube Screamer
Son of Clay Jones Overdrive
Son of Clay Jones Overdrive with added Bass knob and switchable clipping section


…more coming  very soon

[0.1″ stripboard] La Pelusa Retro Fuzz

Ok… now – what the fuck is La Pelusa Retro Fuzz?

It’s Silicon “proprietary chip set” based version of well loved Tone Bender MKII fuzz unit my son!

Nothing to add, nothing to cut…

Layout contains full off-board wiring, and will fit into Hammond “B” type enclosure

.pdf file is here


[0.15″ pitch veroboard] Colorsound – Power Boost / Overdriver

Two different effects, shared (almost) the same component layout.

Very lush sounding units I must admit.

As most of effects from Colorsound line classic and adored!

Power Boost was recently reissued by Macari’s with Castledine  Electronics colaboration

Transistor info: Factory schemo shows BC109C’s but AFAIK those ware never seen in reality. What we see usually is BC169B’s or BC349B (and mix of both) in vintage units, and reissues with BC184L (also seen in vintage Powerboost) or BC184C. Use any NPN Silicon’s with similar spec.

Big hug and high fife to monkeyxx from FSB forum for cool mod ideas.

What you get below is two versions of Power Boost named as Early, and Later spec, and an Overdriver. Another three docs contains the same shit, but in different flavor as per monkeyxx instructions – added master volume control, changed drive pot taper.

Taste it, you’ll love it

– Power Boost Early Spec

– Power Boost Later Spec

– Overdriver.pdf


– Power Boost Early Spec (Monkeyxx Mods)

– Power Boost Later Spec (Monkeyxx Mods)

– Overdriver (Monkeyxx Mods)

[Tagboard] Creepy Fingers Effects Si Fuzz Face


Here’s lovely tagboard layout for si fuzz face clone made by Brad from Creepy Fingers Effects for charity auction where 100% of the proceeds of auction will go to Naoto Matsumura and Tomioka’s animals. Very cool initiative and very nice fuzz face layout on single tagboard. Love it!

Small mods in circuit – added 10R resistor between Q2 emitter and fuzz pot plus small ceramic cap 39pF to lower noise and prevent oscilations on higher fuzz settings.

Transistors are TFK BC130c.

Get the project file here [.pdf]


PAGE UPDATE 18/04/2012

Corrected layout updated.

[Tagboard] Os Mutantes Fuzz / Deadpool


Here’s another cool project for ya – Os Mutantes Fuzz (a.k.a Regulus VIII) !

Circuit developed in 70’s by Cesar Dias for Os Mutantes guitarist.

Very unique sounding circuit powered by two silicon NPN transistors. Only one knob – Volume and Filter switch to cut bass response frequency. There’s also silicon diode clipping section for even more distortion and compression.

Get the Os Mutantes Fuzz project file here [.pdf]

Get the Os Mutantes Fuzz schematic here [.jpg]

And here is Deadpool – Os Mutantes fuzz with some mods by madbean.
Visit madbean’s project page for useful info here.

Get the Deadpool project file here [.pdf]
