[0.1″ pitch stripboard] Jen (Gretsch Playboy) – Harmon Booster

I don’t know what it is, I never build it before, quite recently I heard about it first time. It’s called Harmon Booster, but AFAIK it’s more like overdrive.

Guys on interwebz says it’s cross between Tube Screamer with Big Muff voicing. Cool description! It may be fun.

The real one was build on PNP silicon BC318C. I did my layout with offboard wiring for negative ground powering instead.

Up to you how you’ll wire it up.

Also LED limiting resistor was added on board, and 3PDT switch wiring is showed

Report back how you like it, I miss your emails 🙂

Big thumbs up and credits to SonicIV  for schematic

Get your project file (PDF) here

[0.1″ pitch Perf] Dunlop JH-F1 Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face

Last Dunlop Fuzz Face Hendrix reissue. This one was designed by Jeorge Tripps, well know man behind Way Huge effect. Few cool mods ware applied, mainly to stabilize and prevent RF pick-up.

Here’s the lil layout I did (PDF). I was inspired by Electric Warrior’s perfboard Fuzz Face layout, he done years ago.

I just simply added few components as per JH-F1 spec.

Still a lot of vintage charm and vibe.

Q2 collector bias in this model is set quite high, way higher than standard 4.5v.

I’m not sure about Q1 collector bias, it seems to be around 1.4v, so not far away from typical FF Q1 bias point.

In JH-F1 those bias points are preset at the factory with SMD trimmers on trace side under the board. Use a pot to set it, measure the bias with your DMM and pick-up closest value resistor from your stash, if you want to go anal, measure your resistors to pick up the exact one.

47pF capacitor isn’t confirmed. In JF-F1 it’s unmarked SMD type, should be between 47pF and 150pF.

[Stripboard/Vero] D*A*M Head Buzz


Another out of production D*A*M custom project. Head Buzz is basically standard Fuzz Face – no mods.

Done for Japanese market only.

Total of four versions was issued AFAIK:

PNP germanium – all with holly NKT275’s and NPN silicon on BC108, and some on BC183L – similar to MK1.5 Bender appearance, but build on 0.1″ pitch stripboard with expanded space to accommodate 1/2W resistors and full sized axial capacitors. Basically standard Fuzz Face spec, but linear taper Volume pot and 6k8 Q2 bias resistor in silicon version. These two had no shielded wire off-board wiring.

Please note floating wire coming from DPDT switch – track it to under the switch, or find other grounding point to enclosure. Otherwise expect huge amount of squealing and RF pick up

The other two versions are all silicon. This time dead-on MK1.5 layout presence, made with 0.15″ pitch vero, and shielded wire off-board wiring was used this time.

– First one has also stock Fuzz Face specification, we see BC108, BC183L, or BC209 transistors here, depend on issue, linear taper Volume and 8k2 Q2 bias resistor, no changes after that

– The other one 0.15″ vero version is odd. It was build to ordered for D*A*M’s Japanese dealer to mimic  “drift and sag” on one of their favorite vintage units. Electrolytic capacitors  are mystery to me, I can’t see part values, but resistors are clearly visible. If I get more info, I’ll update this page ones again


Due to D*A*M counterfeit pedals that recently appeared on the marked all D*A*M straight layouts will be removed from turretboard.org and will be replaced soon with our own works and interpretations.

[0.1″ pitch Perf] Wah-Wah

With this project you’ll be able to build almost every classic WahWah.

My layout was created for look and mojo, not the size. Everything is in line, looks nice and tidy 🙂

It takes 1/2 CC resistors and Tropical Caps nicely. For E-cap try BC Electronics 4u7 63-100v

Part names match the ones used by RG.Keen in Wah Article, I don’t think I could use RG’s schematic, so I draw mine – shown below

Schematic shows exemplar part values to build few of these famous classic wah pedals, I’m sure you can build much more projects than suggested, including other popular variants like Boomerang, Colorsound or Shinei wahs – just pick values from your favorite wah schematic, and match to schemo provided here.

‘Rpull’ is pulldown resistor on input to prevent popping, 2m2 is what I’m using usually

PDF project file

Have fun

[0.15″ pitch Vero] D*A*M Fuzz Sound

I said I would not post here any currently in production units made by Mr.Main, but I did it already on freestompboxes.org

I’m sure I won’t hurt Dave’s business by doing this even if I would

So here it is, four Fuzz Sound variants.

– standard MK3/MK4 version with full off-board wiring

– custom Black On Black limited edition project. It is different part-wise to the common production model

– Grease and Smoke part of The Mother Fucker done as an independent units – custom DAM project based on Fuzz Sound with unusual part values

Here’s few classic MK3 type of projects done on DAM part layout (never issued as a DAM products):

Tone Bender MKIII – Early Spec

Tone Bender MKIV – Later Spec

Tone Bender MKIV – “Batman Logo”

Different layout for them all (and more) can be also found on my Tone Bender page under MK3 section. Also – DAM The Mother Fucker can be found on here

UPDATE 10/06/2012: All projects updated, error in wiring and missing trace-cut fixed


Due to D*A*M counterfeit pedals that recently appeared on the marked all D*A*M straight layouts will be removed from turretboard.org and will be replaced soon with our own works and interpretations.

UPDATE 25/06/2012:

Here’s universal layout for MKIII/MKIV type tone benders on 20×8 .15″ stripboard with listed part values for most common versions:

Get the pdf project file.

Get the png project file.

[0.15″ pitch Vero] D*A*M – Mother Fucker



…also know as DAM – The MOTHER FUCKER

I’m not saying it’s 100% accuracy, but it’s very close

It’s with full off-board wiring (revised 10/06/2012 trace-cut error fixed) as used by DAM. I’m not sure if it’s right, I could fuck up something on the way. I’m not going to verify this, as I prefer to roll it as an two independent units. For those with similar idea, here’s an project page with Fuzz Sound, also contains The Mother Fucker two circuits as a separate effects.


I wasn’t sure of small caps values, 220pF between collector and base of Q1 is what standard MK3 Tone Bender had, and this is my friend MK3 variant after all. FSB member beedotman said that on the right side circuit it may be 470pF as in DAM Grease Box is, but it’s hard to be verified, as is only 5 Mother Fuckers was made. Q3 collector 1nF/10nF (caps looks differently on left and on the right side of this unit) is also big crux. I’ve seen 10nF in other DAM MK3 variants (Fuzz Sound). Good old MK3 bender have 2200pF there, but it’s often used up to 15nF in new production MK3 clones like in well know Soul-Bender.

Do some experiments, it won’t explode, AFAIK it only shifts Tone knob functionality.


Due to D*A*M counterfeit pedals that recently appeared on the marked all D*A*M straight layouts will be removed from turretboard.org and will be replaced soon with our own works and interpretations.